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horses dont get along

21 9:35:42

ihad 2 horses i added a 3rd about 2 months ago one of my old horses doesnt get along with the new horse the old horse keeps bitting the new horse ripping out hair and breaking the skin, does this get better or do some horses never get along


Oh, it does get better with time.  Either the new horse is going to get tired of being bullied or will learn to evade the bully better.  If he stands up for himself all will, once again, be peaceful.  The 2nd scenario isn't as peaceful but does work as long as they have plenty of room.  Until then resign yourself to battle damage.  If it gets really severe you could try putting a grazing muzzle on the aggressor horse.  Not saying it would be permanent but it might take him a couple of months to finally give up.  Some bullies can be very determined.  

I have one older Mustang gelding who has had to wear side-hobbles more than once when I was introducing new horses to my herd.   He can be merciless otherwise.  It's so much fun!  (This according to him when he talked to the animal communicator.)  He has learned that if I put them on he has to accept the new horse.  It has taken him 2wks. the 1st time to a couple of days now.  So he gives in much more quickly.  Doesn't mean he still won't charge the other horse occasionally, but for the most part he leaves it alone.  

Give it a little more time.  If it isn't slowing down at all after another couple of weeks you may have to consider a little more drastic action.  I hope this helps you.
