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Leg problems

21 10:02:54

Hello there Kristen, I don't know if you will be able to answer my question or not and I'm sorry if I am asking the wrong person you just seemed to have the most knowledge about horses then the other people's profiles.  I don't own my own horse but I have been taking lessons for about 4 yrs now and I have been riding this horse named Dancer for a while now and show with him all the time. He was lame however for about 2 yrs and nobody has ridden him since then other then me and I have been riding him for about 6 months now. Nobody really knows what happened and where the injury specifaclly was...but we did know it was on his back left leg or hip. He was fine until the show which was last week and we did a jumping course....the jumps were about 2.5 feet...not high....but he hasn't jumped in a while other then the show and he seems to have got a limp for the past 2 times I have ridden him in my lessons....but he always seems to work it out half way through the lesson but occasionly he will start limping again. Do you know what the problem could be? I got absorbine for him but i just don't know where to put it cause no one knows where the problem is, it could be his hip or his lower leg.......should I still put some on him hoping that im putting it on the right spot...or could this make it worse? Should I not ride him anymore? Is there anything I can do to help make healing faster?
Sorry about all the questions you don't have to answer if this is to hard to understand.....Thanks alot though!!

The best advice I can give you is to talk to the people taht own him and get a vet out there. if it is a serious problem you wouldn't want to keep riding dancer or hoping you put the absorbine in the right place. Horses leg muscles and tendons are VERY fragile and I don't think you want him to be premanently injured. My advice, is get a vet out there. If they can't afford it, I think pasture time and light riding will be okay. Let me know what happens and what the owners decide to do. Thanks Katie:)