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How long?

21 10:02:54


  If your horse is in it's stall and has it's rear to you,how long do you ask for him to face you before you go in and turn him around? I was told that if they do not respond within 3to5 minutes that you go in to get them.The point of the cue is to get them to pay attention to you, not after so many minutes, you will come in and get him.

Hi there.  I have always liked my horses to turn and face me when I enter the stall or open the door.  If the horse is turning their butt in order to threaten you then this would require a sharp crack on the behind with a crop.  You want to teach your horse to never turn their butt to you in a threatening manner.

However, if the horse is just being beligerant abount wanting to be left alone and thus trying to avoind being brought out of the need to reprogram this horse to LIKE seeing you and like being brought out.  So, I recommend you bring a treat.  Yep, a treat.  Give the horse a bite of grass or carrot when you open his stall.  Then give him another bite once he is out of the stall and standing ready to be saddled.

This will teach your horse to look forward to seeing you coming and to look forward to being brought out of the stall.  I know it sounds like black mail and in a way it is...  but it is always more pleasant to see your horse happy to see you.  And in time...the horse will be ahppy to see you and not just for the treat, but because you have reprogrammed him to look forward to your visit.

Good luck...Cheri