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bucking horse

21 9:49:09

We have a 4 1/2 yr. old gelding that has the sweetest disposition.  One
problem...bucking.  He has only bucked 4 times in the last 18 months but
there seems to be no ryhme or reason why.  His bucks are violent like he is
saying GET OFF.  The first time he bucked he got spooked by a charging dog.  
I really do not know what triggered him the 2nd time.  The third and fourth
times he was not spooked.  After MUCH thought, we are thinking it may be
separation anxiety from one of our other horses.  How do we stop this

Dear Stacy,
          The first time he bucked he learned that he would not get disiplinced for it, and that it was okay. Many horses will buck after there first time because they learn that they can.
          Seperation anxiety usually causes a horse to become depressed for a few days, not usually bucking.
          First off check for saddle rubbings that could be uncomfortable, and anything that could poke him while you are riding.
          If it has nothing to do with physical problems, try a martingale, they stop the head from going up to high, a horse lifts there head before bucking. Take it easy with the martingale GO SLOW!! Many horses do not like it at first and he MAY react violently.
          Other then that, if you actually get bucked off, you need to mount up IMMEDIATLY!! You must show him that bucking will not stop you from riding. Some horses will learn that bucking will not get them there way and calm down. And before you mount give him a light Tap on his chest, Enough to make a slight noise. Remember horses are firmer then we are, it shouldn't hurt him, the noise will startle him, SAY "NO" firmly and loudly enough to get his attention.
             Remember if you say no without firmness to any animal it won't have much effect.
          If you don't get bucked off, turn him in a tight cirle one way then the other for a few turns to tell him that bucking will get him a "punishment" DO NOT dismount if you can help it, getting off shows him that he won. This is a dominance thing i think.