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hip problem?

21 9:46:09

I have a 15yr old Quater Horse mare,and have owned her for abt 3 months.  She has been on pasture since I got her.
I took her to the round pen and noticed a slight bob in her head at the trot. when I ask her to canter to the right it looks ok. But to the left she carries her Right hind in the incorrect spot.  This is not a crossfire.she looks very stiff almost as if It cant reach under herself very well. Her feet are in great shape. nice conformation  but she does carry her head high and arches her back.  should I just work her consistently and stretch her for 10 or so days and see if there is a difference?  her walk looks fine and the trot ok except for the bob in the head.(she bobs up). but the canter in that one direction is the prob.  any thoughts or Ideas would be helpfull.  thanks lisa


I would suggest locating an equine chiropractor and getting this mare adjusted.  She sounds like she is out in her back and pelvic area.  I wouldn't ask her to do any work until you get her adjusted.  Why cause her pain?  The head bob is indicative of pain as is the way she's misusing her hindquarters.  I would also get a massage therapist out to resolve muscle issues.  She sounds like a nice mare.  She's trying hard to do what you ask, despite having what sound like some significant physical issues.  Don't give her a reason to develop a bad attitude by being inconsiderate about her feelings.

I think you've have a whole different horse once she's straightened out.   
