Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses > swelling


21 9:49:37

Not sure if you can help-I have my horse on a DIY yard & 1 of the horses doesn't get as much care as he should-to put it gently! He's a 6yo throughbred gelding & has a huge, hard swelling on his forehead. It was like 2 marbles, side by side between his eyes. However in the last few weeks it has grown & is now spreading under his left eye. It doesn't hurt to touch & there's no damage on his coat or skin. Sometimes he's very bad tempered & goes 'psyco' flying round & bucking, rearing, nipping etc-is this because it's hurting him? I'm concerned about this as I think he needs checking out but what do you think? Thanks

Hi Becky.
  The fact that the hard areas are changing is definitely a cause for concern, and I think he should definitely be seen by a vet. Pain could be the reason for his wild behavior, also.
  It is very admirable that you are showing concern for the horse, but now the situation gets tricky. Most owners or "horsemen" do not take kindly to others questioning the care they give their horses. If you approach this owner and he or she tells you they can't afford a vet, there probably isn't much you can do other than picking up the tab yourself, or reporting the situation to a horse rescue group in your area.
  Good luck with this sad situation. Please let me know how you make out.
Anne Stepien