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Please help!

21 9:41:30

i loan a horse and he is petrifyed of water i cant do anything, a was carrying a wet sponge and he spooked and i think it would be impossible to give him a bath please help.
and also he plays up with most things and i think it might be because he is a very spoilt pony how can i get him out of this?

Hello Rebecca,

Does the horse drink water? Yes? Then he is not petrified of it.  He just doesn't want a bath. Maybe someone hosed his ears, nose or eyes, causing discomfort.  I have watched many times at shows when grooms are spraying water directly onto a horse's head, and the horse is trying to get away.  Many people think it is fun or cute or that it causes no harm.  But water is not supposed to be in their ears.

I suggest:  When he is thirsty and drinking, take a little bit of water out of the bucket in your cupped hand and dribble it on his cheeks or neck. Do it the whole time he is drinking.  Take care not to get water in his eyes, nose or ears.  Then after he lets you do that, dip a sponge in the bucket and do the same thing on his cheeks or neck.  Gradually run the sponge up his wither with or without water in it until he is used to it.  Then add a bit of water.  You get my drift? Take it slow and easy with him, feed him tidbits while you are getting him used to a sponge and then again with the wet sponge.  Let him know that you won't get it in his eyes, ears or nose, but insist that he stand for the sponging.  Add more water when he is ready.

Best wishes,