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Mare with possible hip problems

21 10:02:59

I have a 9yr old appendix qh who exhibits more of the thoroughbred side. My farrier said the reason she has hip problems is because she has a calcium deposit at the top of her tail (about the 3-4th vertebrea). He said he's seen plenty of thoroughbred like that and says that it's from working on hard ground (one of the reasons). She doesn't like to extend her leg out when she's getting her feet cleaned or trimmed, she comes up sore for a couple days after a show (she barrel races or at least tries to). I thought stifle. Maybe an adjustment would help her? I haven't had her vetted for this yet since it's just been suggested.

Any thoughts?


Hi Angie,

Sorry to keep you waiting on this.  It sounds like a "hunter's bump," and they're usually not a problem.  If she doesn't like to hold her feet up for the farrier, I'd surely give chiropractic a try.  It might take a couple adjustments, but it'll be worth it for sure in the long run.  A happier horse, too!  Go to for a referral to a certified doctor in your area.  Good luck!

Dr Larry