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belly/neck sweats

21 9:31:39

I have a few questions about neck/belly sweats. I was wondering how long do you have to leave a neck or belly sweat on to see results? Also, how many days before a show should you start using one? And what kind of results should you get?

Thanks for answering. This may be a silly question, but I have always barrel raced and am new to showing horses for beauty purposes.


This is not something that I have a lot of expertise in either but I can give you some general guidelines.  You do need to be careful of using them in very hot weather.  Conditions can get so hot under them that you will actually scald the horse's skin.  Especially if you are using a sweating rub underneath.  

As far as how long for results, that will vary greatly.  A great deal depends upon what you have when you start out and what your expectations are.  I've never seen them make much difference but I'm sure there are people who swear by them.  To be the most effective, the longer the application the better.  But I would think starting out, if the horse is not used to it and needs time for his body to respond, then start out with a few hours on, an hour off, then repeat.  I would leave it off overnight for the horse's comfort.  Again, be aware of the temperature.  You won't want to leave it on for probably more than 4 hrs. at a stretch in really hot weather; you'll need to monitor him to make sure he's taking care of himself by drinking enough water and not getting overheated if it's really hot.  Use good judgement and you should be OK.  You may see results in a few days.  If you don't see any appreciable changes after 6 mos. I would give up and decide how to deal with it.  If your horse is put together nicely and meets the show standards then making sure he's groomed to perfection and has perfect ground manners.  He'll do fine.  

Here's a little grooming tip.  When you give him a soap and water bath, put a capful of Avon Skin So Soft in a final bucket of rinse water.  Slop it with a sponge all over him, head to tail.  Be sure to include the mane and tail.  I usually pour the last of the bucket over the horse.  They come out absolutely gorgeous.  One judge in a Grooming & Showmanship class kept coming over and petting my mare and remarking on how soft she was.  Forget stuff like Laser Sheen and products like that.  You can use them and will see absolutely no difference.  The Skin So Soft is awesome stuff.  On the plus side, they smell really nice too!
