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Mares & foaling

21 9:52:31

My daughter's mare is due to foal in late July. When she checked her this morning though, she was already bagging up & had a small amount of clear discharge showing. We know that when they start to bag-up that they will usually foal within 48 to 72 hrs. We were wondering if mare's temperatures drop prior to giving birth the same way female dogs do? If they do how long prior to birth does the temperature drop & how far? What would the temperature read if it does drop? Also, is there any cause for concern with the clear discharge & because she is about 3 weeks early?  Thanks

Dear Sandra,
           I'm not sure about the temperature thing, because we never personally take temperatures on our mares. Most of the time mares give birth before or after there due date with no causes for concern. 3 weeks will probably not make a big diferance for the foal. Some mares do bag up even when there not about to give birth.
            You may want to check on her during the night every few hours because mares like to foal at night, although some foal during the day. Just check on her every few hours in case she foals and needs help. The foal should come out withing 15-30 min of the water breaking. If you don't see legs or the head coming out withing 15 mintues she may need help and a vet should be called.