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Horse diet

21 9:28:58

There is a clip on AOL that shows a horse eating hamburgers from fast food place. I thought animal protein would make a horse sick, but in this clip, the horse, named Patches, is said to have eaten as many as six cheeseburgers.

Can this be true?


Horses can digest meat just fine. Most don't care for it, that's true, but I had a horse that was absolutely addicted to MacDonals' Big Mac's.  She gave me reproachful looks if I took the pickles off!!  I remember years ago Dr. Dane Frazier, DVM, talking about sharing a hoagie with his horse at an endurance ride and sleeping in the trailer with his horse afterwards and regretting it.  It will give them a lot smellier gas for one thing.  Kind of like someone who's eaten a lot of beans.  You'd be amazed at what they will eat!  
