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Pulling on reins

21 9:53:25

Hello, I am a beginner rider (English). My lesson horse constantly pulls against the reins. My teacher says that it is my problem to correct. The horse is a sweet horse, but bossy. I have been riding about 3 months. The problem with this is that I cannot concentrate on what she is telling me because I am afraid of being jerked off. Am I just being a baby. I try hard not to pull also, but he is throwing me off my game. Please help get my confidence back. Thanks, Lisa

Dear Lisa:
I don't wish to get into a pedagogical debate with your coach but a well schooled horse does not pull. This is a disobedience and while he/she is correct in that the rider needs to correct the problem- it is not a problem for a novice to address. Sadly, school horses often develop these types of evasions because they are so frequently ridden by beginners who either let them get away with it or who have rough hands. The best horses rarely find themselves in a lesson horse string. Hopefully, your coach schools the horses on a regular basis to keep them tuned up.
I do not think you are being a baby- riding an unruly horse can be a very unnerving experience. Is there a different horse you can ride? At worst- is there somewhere else that you can take lessons?
S. Evans