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very wierd

21 10:07:44

i have a mare and a gelding and wots wierd is when i got the gelding he was already geldered and i have sine him mount my mare a few times but i didnt worry about it sins he was geldered,but now my mare's had a foal. so my Q is how did she become pregnant when the stallion is geldered?

The most likely explanation is that the gelding is a cryptorchid - in other words, when he was gelded, he had one testicle that hadn't descended properly and wasn't removed. That's the only way I know of that he could have gotten her pregnant. You might want to have your vet check him out, because if he's a cryptorchid, your mare will definitely get pregnant again.  Does your gelding ever act "studdish", like when she's in heat? (snorting, pawing the ground, chuffing)  Very interesting...  There's a really good article in last month's "Horse" magazine that explains cryptorchidism quite well.  Send me your email address and I'll send you a copy of the article.  It may explain some things.

Is it possible that another stallion has had access to her?  Does the baby resemble the gelding?  You have me curious now!  Let me know what you find out!
