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Distances between jumps

21 10:07:42

Dear katie,

I have a large pony hunter who has a nice stride. What is the rule for spacing jumps? Some people walk the lines and some measure. Can you tell me how to do both of these tasks? I am trying to set up a triple and I want to space it correctly.


Dear Lisa,
Unfortunatley, I have never owned nor done any sort of course design for ponies. What I can however, tell you is this:
Walkling a line for a horse: Stand with back against first jump(landing side of) and take two normal steps forwad. This area marks the landing distance of your mount. From here on you will be counting actual strides. Walk four larger steps (doing stride-walking yourself!) and that will equal one stride. Continue on for as many strides as you wish to have in your line and stop. Take two more steps forward as you did at the start (this is for take-off) and set you jump at his point.
Again, I'm so sorry I can't be of more help, but ponies simply aren't my speciality. I sggest searcing the net for 'pony strides' or 'walking a course' for exact measurements.
Best of luck to you and let me know how it goes!