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Stubborn Horse.... or something???

21 9:45:22

Hey my name is Cheyenne I am 14 yrs old and about a year ago I got a horse from a friend who was moving and didn't have time to sell her, she is a 14 yr old Morgan mare, apparently she was trained in a pen all her life, when I ride her in the pen she does what I want her to do, and is pretty much bombproof, she tests me every once in a while, but thats okay most horses do test there riders a little, and I simply  show her who is boss, she is the biggest clutz ever and I have been working on taking her over/inbetween ground poles and around barrels to improve that, and someday hope to show her if she can get over her clumsiness, anyways to my question, when I take her out of the pen she goes haywire, she wants to go fast, which is fine, except when she goes fast she bucks A LOT, when I take her up the rode she will suddenly spin and try to go home, and I yank her around to keep going and she won't no matter what I do, she will move a couple inches then spin again, and I used to take her up the rode all the time and nothing ever happened, she never spooked, never bucked, I didn't change what I was doing, we simply went up the road, so I don't know what got into her, and I used to be able to take her out of her pen and sit on her back without a bridle and she would walk over to the tall grass and graze, if I did that now she would take off bucking then stop in the tall grass, I know that the bucking is just because she is spunky, but how do I stop it? and the people that owned her had the same problem with her outside of the pen, at first the could ride her up the road without a fear in the world then she took to bucking and spinning, what might be the problem? and how can I fix it?

hi cheyenne,
first i will sugest that you get a chiropractor to readjust her body. her poll, back, ribs, and neck are probobly out of place. do be concernced though 98% of horses need a chiropractor. next ride her in the pen for a few hours and make her work and sweat. make her tired as possible then take her on the road. if you can have a second rider with you to pony you and make her be out there for another few hours. if she bucks either turn her in a tight circle and do that for a few minutes or push her forward and make her go. when a horse stops thats when they want to buck and rear. this will take time. she only does it because she is sour and alittle sore.make sure your tack properly fits her. just do this everyda until she calms down. show her your not scared to take her out and your not going to deal with her little tricks. when you ride her stay calm because she will work off of your emotions. if your nervouse she is going to act up.  another thing to help her calm down a bit is mare magic. this is a natural calmer made out of raspberry leaves. you can find it online at any horse supplies site, and most feed and tack stores in your area. good luckl and just keep at it.
amanda groff