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My horse wont turn right

21 9:19:18

Hi Geneva,
I have a 4 year old quarter horse that was trained for barrels and poles last winter. I ran him a number of times and everything was fine. Now all of a sudden he won't turn right around the first barrels. The same thing with poles when I want him to go right.He just won't turn. He goes to the left and will turn around the last to barrels just fine. It's just went hes asked to turn right he won't... Any idea why??? Thanks!

Hello Gracie,

Thanks for your question.

A number of things may have caused the horse to not want to turn to the right. Has is horse had a fall at the first barrel? This may cause a shyness for the turn if the horse was either injured or frightened during a run. Is the saddle fitting right? Make sure nothing is pinching him when he is turning to the right.

You can do flexing and turning exercises to help your horse be more accepting of right hand turns by flexing the head to the right and encouraging the horse to more round you.  You can also do this while riding with just flexing the horses head to the right and asking the horse to turn circles.

Also I would try walking the pattern several times and then trotting. Circle him around that first barrel a couple times during your training sessions to assure him the first barrel is nothing to be concerned about. Run the pattern every 6th time you walk or trot threw the pattern.   

I hope this helps your and your horse out.

Good luck with future competitions!