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unknown horse sickness

21 9:36:06

My horse is normally very athletic and energetic. In the last day he has become lethargic to a point not eating or drinking.  His eyes appear droopy. He has diarrhea and appeared to have a slight tint of red in his urine. I don't know what to do or even what to look for I have never had a horse do this before.


Diarrhea in the horse is a life threateining condition and you should get a vet involved immediately if no one is involved yet. The lethargy and failure to eat and drink is common with watery diarrhea and similar conditions. The red color in the urine may mean he is destrolying red blood cells with this condition. This is an emergency if the diarrhea is watery. do not delay attention to it. there is a significant problem and he needs to be intensively managed, possibly to save his life. He probably needs fluids and electrolytes if the diarrhea has been severe and without them he will continue to deteriorate. I wish you the best of luck, please do not delay. Contact me if you need any other guidance.