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Training wild horses

21 9:47:12

I just got 3 small horses that have been running wild.  Together they have
quieted down a lot; however, even though they let me near to feed them, they
won't let me touch them and bolt.  I tried carrots and apples but apparently they
don't know what they are.  How can I get them to permit me to touch and handle
them.  They range in age from 11 months to 2 years.

hi reta,
you wpould need to use natural horsemanship techniqs.
learn to comminutate to them with their kind of body language. telling you how to do all this would be very hard on me and you. the best way to help you would be to get a training dvd by chris cox. he speacializes in this and shows you from start to finish. go to and select videos. there you will see a video about ground control. this will help you out greatly. he will explain the training better them me and you will be able to see it. once you have established ground control he has other videos to help you accomplish everything up to riding and leg pressure.. good luck
amanda groff