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my horses head pushing problem

21 9:46:51

in the stable and even when holding her she pushes her head up against you not a muzzle but a bang but she is a wonderful horse otherwise and has NO other priblems

Dear Coral

Your horse is treating you as an equal.  Unfortunately, you aren't as big and tough as another horse.  You also shouldn't be your horse's equal.  Leader of the pack is a much more functional relationship :-) Even though she may consider this an affectionate gesture, it hurts and is bad manners. I use rope halters because those little knobs across the horse's nose have more authority than a yank with a flat nylon or leather halter.  I would try an instantaneous hard yank accompanied by "NO!" every time she tries this.  If you are consistent and firm this will probably work, especially since you say she has no other problems. Just remember that her intentions are good, she just doesn't understand how delicate us humans can be.