Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses > cushings


21 10:03:48

recent labs drawn on a 16 year old morgan mare that is 7 months in foal
insulin 25
lymes 279
acth 124
t4 .95
I sold this mare 4 months ago and she has been stressed because of the move.  She was a spoiled pet now one of 4 broodmares.  The mares push her aside.  She lived alone her whole life and now looks like a different horse.  She has lost weight and has a wave to her coat. Her weight is okay as she was too fat at the time she left.  

I am not quite sure what you are asking. I am not a vet so I really can't respond to the lab work you have provided. Didn't the vet who did the vetwork give you a diagnosis on cushings? I am guessing that is what your question is related to. I have had old ponies with Cushings and they do go down hill during times of stress. Is she on any meds for the Cushings?

I would love to be more helpful, but regardless of the information you share with me, I have a feeling I'm going to tell you what I am telling you now. Have a vet come out and give a diagnosis on this pony. You may have to get a couple of opinions to get thi info you need.

Good luck and I hope everything turns out fine for Momma and Baby to Be.
