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war paint

21 10:08:34

I have a mostly white pinto horse.  I work at a stables where there are a lot of children's programs.  I remember when I was younger my family visited a ranch where the kids painted a horse with "war paint."  I though this would be fun for the kids at my barn, but I cannot find something safe to paint on my horse, that also won't stain his white coat.  Any suggestions?

Hi Shelly,

Sorry for taking so long to reply - your email got overlooked.

There's a lady called Susan Harris who does demonstrations at different events around the world where she paints the entire musculo-skeletal system onto a horse. She uses a hypo-allergenic water based paint that I'm guessing would be the same sort they used to paint children's faces with at Fetes.

You can contact Susan at and her website is

Hope that helps.
