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Having my 1st horse

21 10:07:38

 I am 15 and i am getting my very 1st horse this year. Im trying to find out as much information as i can.

I have been riding for 4 years. and have been getting lots of experiance, of how to look after them. I have been helping people with horses. Worked at a riding school and i also have a job at a livery yard at a weekend. I know for sure that i can look after a horse probaly.
These are the questions i want to know.

(1) When i get my horse,should i put him in his stable stright away and let him get use to his surroundings.

(2) How long should i let him settle for,before i put him in his field.

(3) How long should i wait before i can ride him.

(4) Is there anything else i should know,when getting my very 1st horse.

Thankyou very much.

from amie

Hiya Amie well u must be excited i know how it feels when u get ur first horse/pony !
I would gladly give you a few pointers...

answers 2 questions...

1+2) When u bring the horse to the Yard lead him out of the box walk him around let him/her sniff and meet the others horses. Then take him into his stable let him sniff mark the sawdust. Then let him stay in the stable for the day (he arrived) and the next day put him in a paddock with nice green grass or Teff. Let hom explore and get to knoe the place.
3) You don't actually really have to wait. Before u start schooling in the ring first walk on a hack around the place and bond with him. Nothing is more stronger than a bond between a horse and rider . with a strong bond the horse has trust and confidence with you and love.

4) The most important thing is is to build a bond and start getting to know each other way of riding/personality.

I hope you enjoy your new horse and that i have given you enough info.

p.s you can also get books first ponies/horses
