Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses > barney


21 9:45:01

hey I'm 13 and from the UK, I've got a horse on loan but he came be very naughty on hacks and in the ring, he is kept with lots of other horses n is in a field n stable. what he does it suddenly stops and spins arounds, then he wont walk forword
ive tried lots of things like keeping a loose rein so he does'nt get wound up and stressed out, that seems to work a little but does not cure it. do you think you could help me ?

Hi, you have to understand a horse and why they do what they do.  Read my web site and it will help you understand horses.  All horses test leaders to make sure you know what you are doing.  So this horse is just seeing if he can frustrate you and see if you will be consistent and make him do what you want him to do.

Read lots about horses so you can understand them better.  My horse history page will help but read my entire site and you will have a better understanding of horses, why they do what they do and how you can help them work with you.
