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Broodmare coming back to work after foaling

21 9:49:30

how do you condition/start a broodmare back to work after foaling?

Hello Ashley,

I don't know if you have acreage or if you are at a boarding stable.  If you have acreage that is enclosed that would be great.  If you have to walk on the road or trails this would not work because of the foal.

Here is what I always did, and it worked out fine.  About 6 weeks after the foal was born, I took her out in the fenced in pasture on long walks with the foal at her side.  The foals keep up quite well.  If you don't have a pasture, just walk her in an arena, keeping the foal with her.    A few weeks of an hour walk a day, she should begin to trot on her own.  Don't rush her. Let her tell you when she is ready to trot.  I never did much more than that until after weaning at 6 months.  By that time she would be ready to go back to work.

Has the foal come yet or still waiting?  Good luck with it.  We lost one this summer.  Mare was only three months along, lost the foal (we did not even know she had lost it) and foundered.  Trying all summer to keep her going.

Best regards,