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Training my Miniature

21 9:36:23

I have been around horses for many years but right now I only have one miniature and I wish to start training him to go into shows. He was great a year ago, but I since we moved him, and he is all alone he isn't himself. I can't even walk him with out him going up on his hind legs every minute. I'm not sure if he doesn't respect me anymore, but he still follows me around, but I just can't walk him around with a lead rope.
Hope you can help,
Thanks Nicole


Well, if you have been around horses for a long time then you know that they are herd animals.  I suspect a lot of his problems lie in his being isolated after being around other horses, probably all his life.  He's just a baby after all.  

First off I would consider getting him a companion/playmate, preferably an older horse or a pony or another mini.  Someone who can keep him socialized.  If you are showing him and have intentions of standing him at stud then you won't want to geld him but otherwise I would geld him if he isn't already.  You don't specify.  

He's being somewhat disrespectful towards you but if he's traumatized by being isolated that may be solved with a companion.  A few round pen sessions would probably help too.  He has associated something bad with the lead rope, maybe because it was used to take him away from all his companions.  That's sort of a guess on my part.  But some round pen work can be used to get him through his issues with the lead rope.  If you aren't familiar with round pen work get some of the videos that are out there on it. Pat Parelli has some excellent ones.  The videos are much more instructive than reading.  

I hope this helps you.  I really think a companion would help him a great deal.
