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My arab filly

21 9:46:06

I recently got an Arabian filly, she is about 8 months old. When I went to look at her i could lead her where ever i wanted but when i brought her home with me i had/have trouble leading her. She often try's to bolt or rear. She is very difficult to handle. At first i thought it must be that she isn't use to her settings yet but i waited a month and she still has trouble! When she is off the halter she is perfect! What should i do?

Dear Kailey,
It sounds as though initially, your instincts were correct about her not being used to her surroundings. Now however, I think you have a different situation on your hands and one that you need to address immediately before your 500 filly becomes a 900 pound horse. This sounds like a respect issue. When you first brought her home- she was probably a little frightened and you were probably patient and kind when she acted badly. Once she WAS used to her new surroundings though- she probably realized that she'd been getting away with murder and now she thinks she's in charge.
There's nothing wrong with using a chain on a young horse as long as it is attached correctly (over the nose for a horse that goes up [rears] and under the chin for a horse that pulls away. Having said this- I DON'T recommend a chain in inexperienced hands -so if you don't know how to use one- get help from someone who does.
Begin working with her in a smaller enclosure like a corral or small turnout- less room to run. Begin with walking- halting, backing, standing. Resistance is met with a firm "STOP!" (I don't like using "No!" as it sounds too much like "Whoa" and that's another instruction altogether) and ONE shank on the chain. Good responses are met with a kind pat and an enthusiastic "good girl!" Avoid using treats by hand as this is counter productive to her learning to respect your personal space. Always remember that YOU are in charge- once she has manners- you can become friends again.
If she's really belligerent, get two ropes on her halter and a bum rope (use soft cotton - never nylon) and and someone else to help you. MAKE her do what she's told. You may have a BIG fight on your hands for a week or so- but she will give in as long as you are fair and patient. Make sure the footing and fencing is safe and that you are wearing gloves and proper footwear.
Let me know how things go. Don't take her out into the BIG world until you have her total respect and attention in the small area.
Best wishes,
S. Evans