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21 10:02:57

My mom has miniature horses and i would like to train them to do a few tricks such as bowing, rearing, pawing, shaking head yes or no.  They are very cute and think it would be awsome to teach them to also run and show themselves off.  As we do an event called liberty where they run around and show off to a song.  can you tell me how to teach them any of these tricks?

Hi Deanna,

Sorry about not answering but I was away camping with the horses at Otter Creek in New York for a week!
I don't know how to teach them your liberty trick but the others I can help with.

For shaking the head no, you get something sharp such as a pin or pointy stick.  Prick them on top of the withers until they shake their no, they will be doing this because they think it is a fly on them.  As soon as they shake their head no, you STOP pricking and pat them because they did what you wanted...with enough repitition you will just be able to touch the wither with your hand and they will do it!  Always remember to stop doing it as soon as they respond, the quicker you stop the better they will do it the next time...reward them well with lots of pats each time.

To say yes do the same thing except prick their chest, they will put their nose down to rub it away, meking the yes motion.

There are a couple of ways to teach them bowing...the first is to have them lift up their leg and have their nose touch the knee.  To do this get a treat of some sort, than the signal to do the trick is to touch the top of their leg after you do this you pick up their leg and hook your arm around the knee area than show them the treat...they will bring their nose down to get it, as soon as they do this drop the leg pet them and THAN GIVE THEM THE TREAT don't give it to them when you have your arm down their, if you do than they will learn that you have to pick up the leg for them and you don't want that.  You want to be able to touch the top of the leg and than they do the trick.  This one takes a lot of doing it over and over so be prepared to take the time it takes to make it right.

The other way to bow is to kneel right down on the ground and have their nose down to.  To do this you pick up one of the legs and ask them to shift backwards (by pushing their chest) as soon as they respond the slightest...STOP and reward.  Than do it again and ask them back a bit more...EVENTUALLY it takes time, they will be able to go farther and farther until they reach the ground with thier leg...this way works because I taught my horse to do it this way, but don't expect them to do it in a week, it dosn't work that way, you need to be consistant in doing it and make sure you are doing it right, that is how you get results.

Rearing, I taught my horse to do it when I was on him...he is very sensitive so when I ask him to go forward I would also ask him to go back then he would have no where to go but up, as soon as he reared I would pat him so over time he understood that the forward and back signal meant up.

Good luck with the tricks!
Echo Savage