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21 9:19:51

what does a horse do in its daily life?

    Hi Annie,
  I am afraid that I cannot give you a proper answer because there are many different types of horses, used for many different purposes, and kept in widely differing circumstances,so there would be a huge difference in their daily routines.
  A wild herd would spend much of it's time eating, or searching for food, more time searching out water, quite a bit of time resting or sleeping, and the rest of the time would be spent in exercising i.e. going for the odd gallop, sparring or fighting (to confirm, or readjust the pecking order), and then a small bit of time would be spent on the whole "mating game".
  The routines for domestic horses, would be largely dictated by the humans that own them.
  I don't know if the answer I have given is of any help to you, but please feel free to get back to me, if you feel like it.
  Meanwhile I will wish you luck,