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TB Gelding who use to jump do I undo what trainer did?

21 9:53:04

Hello Dorothy.  I purchased a TB Gelding when he was 4 and he had jumped 1 month. He was very quiet and went very controlled around the ring on a slack reine.  After my trainer got ahold of him he now runs the course as if scared but will jump anything.  She thought he was too slow, but the damage was done before I had a chance to pull him from her.  I want him back to the way he was.  He even runs the xc course.  Does it sound as if I need to start over?  He is now 6.  This behavior has only been for 1 year now, but I don't care for the feeling of an uncontrolled horse.  I currently ride in a Stubben EZ control racing D with the coper oval centre.  He is not too bad at Stadium, but runs right through it on xc.  Circleing only slows him for about 2 strides.  Please help.

Hello Stacey,

Yes, the damage is done and you have to go back to square one.  Trot poles, caveletti, gymnastics, in and outs, bounces, and baby novice xc where you walk up to it and then pop over.  Put the horse in a short shank pellum. You can get a broken bar or a straight bar, made of steel or hard rubber or that new material, but he needs more control.

Good luck and happy jumping,