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Prolonged Hock Injury

21 9:53:04

My horse has been recovering from an injury to her hock, and it now is fully healed and everything has gone smoothly. I am worried about her joints though. I want them to be restored to full potiential and I have heard of many ways of doing it. There are powders, injections, etc. and I did not know which was best. She is getting older (20) and I want her other joints to remain healthy too. What should I use?  

Hello Robin,
I do not know your mare's condition, but I do NOT believe in injections, unless it is antibiotics, (if she is in pain). Also, there are some creams, and lotions to make her joints better. For example, there is Nature's Aid, which reinforces the muscles, there is Green Cool, and much others.
Good luck and please do not hesitate to ask for further information if what i told you was not clear.