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Gelding with right front ankle turning out

21 9:52:49

My gelding is 19, have had him 16 years, this past 6 months his front right foot, between the hock & hoof looks like it is turning out to the right some, he's not had any pain but wondering if normal with his age, he has always pawed the ground when he's eating & when riding if he gets aggravated, farrier said could be age but going to take him back to the vet to have it checked again, just wondering if anyone has seen this before, hate to give up riding him he's a dear friend.

Hello Pat, well I would say it is from age as well. your friend is getting old and after years of riding healthy horses can break down. pending on how often hes ridden id say retire him to take it down to very little. let the old guy be happy with your company. hes probobly getting arthritis if he hasnt gotten it yet. having a vet look at it is always a good idea. a simple x-ray can show you what it is. although I would think it would be from age I would still have the vet look at it to be on the safe side. im sorry I could not give you any information then what you already knew. If you have any other questions though come on back and ill be glad to help.
Amanda Groff