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tieing horses

21 10:01:45

we have a filly(around 2 yrs of age and a gelding 2 1/2 or 3. we bought them 5 weeks ago and have been doing some ground work. the gelding is sweet and we can do anything with him. the filly won't let us put a rope near her in order to get a halter on her. we are building stalls but i'm concerened about how she will react in the stall when we start working her. Neither have ever been tied to a post. what is the best way to teach them to be tied. we tried the gelding last night and he went crazy and jerked the rope off the post. i want to do it the right way but i don't know what that is. please help. thanks. alison

Hi Alison;

You need to teach them to stand without being tied, first.  There are different ways of going about it, but essentially you start with something simple like grooming.  Put them in an area that is quiet and safe and groom.  If they move, you put them back in that exact same area and continue.  Repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat.  And lots of rewarding for them when they standstill.

Some people will put a short lead (about a foot long) and keep it attached to the halter so that it's easier to catch and return the horse to the area.

Some people will put a regular length lead on and in that case it's called 'ground tying'.  When the lead hangs down on the ground, the horse is suppose to stay where it is.

Teach them to stand untied and you'll have no problem tying them.

Best wishes!


Lana Reinhardt