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my horses ankle/knee?

21 9:45:54

For the first time since i bought my horse i rode her. At first she was great then i thought i felt her limping. i asked the other rider with me if she was and they said no, but just in case i went straight home, which was only up me driveway.  She seemed fine the rest of the night and this morning when i went to feed her i did not notice any limping in fact she trotted over to her food. Right afterward my other horse went to his bucket and she was worried he was going to take her food and she bucked at him. I calmed her down and everything seemed okay.   A little later though, i looked out there and she was limping. I cant tell where the origion of the pain is. its either her ankle or knee. what should i do to locate the area of pain? there isnt any swelling or heat, and when i tapped her hoof and the bottom she did not react, but she wont put too much weight on it. any suggestions?

hi joy,
start at the top of her leg and squeez pressure. slowely move your hands lower. when you find the spot of pain she should move her leg. i would run cold water on her leg for 10 minutes two times a day. if it does not get better with this and rest call the vet. good luck and i hope your mare gets better soon.
amanda groff