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i have no idea wot she is

21 10:08:04

theres now a new born filly who was just born and shes odd coloured as well. shes a palomino with a white patch wich starts from her lift eye and goes down too her left leg. the other filly that is 2 days is odd coloured too, its dark blue roan with white patches. tell me if they odd or new coloured or if u have herd of such colours

Hi again Ashlee! Congrats on the two new fillies! I'm sure they will be a pleasure to be around! To answer your questions, both blue roans and palominos are existing colors. The patches chance to be coat pattern indicative of "marked up" horses such as paints, appaloosas, POA's, knabstruppers and the like. In recent years we have really introduced the paint horse coat pattern into many other breeds from warmbloods (to produce warmbloods of color), to arabians to produce pintabians and gaited horses to product the spotted saddle horse. It is quite possible along the lines that the bloodline of the paint horse has been introduced to your mares. You didn't mention here or on your previous message the breed or predominant breeds of your horses but off the cuff that would be my guess, that they have paint/pinto or "horse of color" introduced somewhere. To my knowledge, no new colors have been discovered and labeled as of late. You can read up more about coat colors and genetics at which is a rather informative website but still easy to understand. Best of luck with the new babies! -Samantha