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putting young horses on the bit

21 9:41:12

I start my hunter/jumper ponies at the age of 3 or 4 yrs.  I feel that they need to get use to having weight on their back and balancing themselves before actually asking them to get on the bit.  By this I am referring to them flexing with their noses somewhat in at a vertical and using their backends to drive (so you are working on them getting somewhat collected).  I have a friend who insist that I should start getting them on the bit from about the 2nd week of riding.  I just would like some other trainers viewpoints on this.  Am I wasting time by not putting them on the bit from the get go?  These are children's hunter/jumper ponies, so I really want a good foundation before going from point A to B.  Thanks so much for your imput!

Donna I agree completely with your methods.  When a horse is not taught balance and how to engage their hind end and only taught to work "on the bit", then they actually end up learning to work behind the bit.  As you probably know, this is horrible, and will ultimately become a large issue down the road.  A horse that is not engaged, not balanced, and not working with impulsion can never truly work on the vertical.  Each horse has his own learning curve, so some may be quicker at it than others.  Keep doing what your doing.  Your methods make my work and other trainers work much easier!  We thank you!