Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses > HORSE FIGHTING BIT


21 9:44:48

QUESTION: He is a 7 yr old paint. Have tried bribing him with treats, molasses on the bit etc but he still backs up and throws his head up and also when unbridling he hangs on to the bit but slowly drop it out when he lets go. Have to fight with him for quite awhile, otherwise he's a good horsey. Have tried many methods with him. Frustrated:.

ANSWER: hi Pamela,
have his teeth checked because they probobly have sharp points in his mouth that hurt him. if everything is ok, then try using a hackamore on him. this way their isnt pressur eon his mouth because theres something about the bit he really does not like. but definitly get his teeth checked and floated.
amanda groff

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: VET did float his teeth. tanx so much for replying will try the hackamore.

hi pamela, definitly try the hackamore. with bits it rests on top of the gums and when you pull back it can chip the bone under the gums. if the hackamore does not work good enough you can look into bitless bridles. here is the link so you can find out more information on this. i have used it and i personally think it is wonderful.
amanda groff