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scarded and standoffish - Rick Gore Horsemanship

21 9:20:09

QUESTION: I have recently bought an purebred arabian filly 2.5 yrs old ....she is some what halter broke and wants to be friends but is very skidish when it comes to noise. She broke away from me while leading and ran through an electric fence ( with lead rope scaring her)I have been unable to catch her for 2 weeks but recently i got her to go in the barn by herself where i was finally able to get her in to a box stall .She is still nervous in stall but i have left a lead rope on her to get use to it ...she comes for carrots when first entering stall but after carrots are gone so is she ?? i approach her quietly and reach for lead rope and catch her as she backs up but i would like for her to come to me how will i do that and fix all the other problems ?

ANSWER: Well when you describe what happened you tell the story as a human.  If the horse told the story it would go like this.  I am young and do not have good experiences with these human meat eaters. I get a new predator person that tried to rope me and trap me, so I did what my instincts told me and I ran, so the this human make this rope chase me and try and trip me, I was so scared that I ran into a fence the human put up this fence just shocks me and hurts me and when I tried to get away from this crazy human and the rope he put on me, I went through the fence and got shocked while this rope was trying to catch me.  Since I am a prey animal and I know I am food if I get caught, I ran faster.  Now this crazy human wants me to trust him, he must be out of him mind.

So if you think like a horse and stop expecting your horse to be human, then you might be able to start to fix what you caused.

Read my website and watch my videos I answer this question in about 50 different places.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: HI I asked for advise not a smart answer !! i asked how to help not give a  your thoughts on what happened i already know what happened!!
very useless answer ... i caused nothing  as the other 12 horses i lead out day to day  "Now this crazy human wants me to trust him, he must be out of him mind." Very funny how the other 12 horses don't run through fences guess the must be "HUMAN" think your are just trying to sell your dvds on here !
and no logic behind your must be from Texas where everything is bigger even the amount of bs spoken .

Well Mr. Knowitall, why the hell are asking me if you are so damn good with 12 other horses?  Maybe you are not as good as you think and you are just lucky that the other horses were handled by others that were better than you and they were taught good.  

As for wanting advice, I gave it to you, Read my site and watch my vids........... is that too complicated for you?

Oh I get it, you did not want my advice, you wanted some powder puff answer that made you feel good and since you did not get it, suddenly me being from Texas is your only response..... ohhhhhhhhhhh, If I am full of shit since I am from Texas, what does that make you since you are writing me for advice????

Not only did you screw up with this horse, but this horse taught you that you are not as smart as you think you are, it taught you that you don't know what you are doing, and it showed you that your ego about being so good with 12 others horse, don't mean shit to this horse... I love horses that teach dumbass' good lessons.

And the final lesson is:  You always know a person is a fake horseman when he blames the horse and does not accept responsibility for what HE caused the horse to do........

If I did not know better, I would say you are whinning like a lot of the women that write me an you just pretended to be a man thinking I would handle you different.