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Horse is Rooting

21 9:36:08

I believe it is called rooting when a horse puts their head down and pulls on the bridle.  My 15 yr old has been doing this since I bought him 2 yrs ago, so who knows how long he has been doing it.   I've tried pulling sharply back on one rein to get him to stop but that only stops it for the moment.  When riding he's fine most the time; mainly it happens when we are stopped and resting.  Any suggestions on how to break this habit?  Thank you - Mary


What you are describing can be called a lot of things, but it's mainly just rude behavior.  I don't know why some horses do this while others never do.  Some horses do it because they want more rein so they can put their heads down and stretch their necks out while resting.  Others just do it all the time.

I can't say I've ever found a really good way to break the habit but it has improved with constant correction each time the horse does it.  They do learn that you won't allow them to get away with it and will get better over time but that's about it.  Changing from a bit to a bitless bridle or hackamore has helped in several cases so that might be an option for you.  

This probably isn't the answer you were looking for, but I am being honest with you.  Old habits die hard and some, like this, are very difficult to get the horse to stop entirely.  But over time it can be lessened to a great degree.  
