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How much should I put this horse for sale as?

21 9:31:09

My horse is a five year old 17hh thoroughbred who I bought off the track when he was three. I bought him to be a hunter/eq horse but he turned out to be an awesome jumper.
He can currently jump a 4 ft jumper course with no problem he has free jumped 5'6 also with out a problem. My Trainer, other trainers, and riders who have seen him jump think that in a year or two he will be a very nice grand prix horse.
My horse is also a wonderful mover and so he would excel in hunters as well. He has been in professional training for about a month now.
He has been showing at the local shows all year and always places in the top 3. We plan to take him and do the level 5 jumpers at a AA rated show in November if he isn't sold.

Based on the information you gave me, I don't feel very comfortable giving you a price for your horse.  However, I will give you some things to consider regarding the value (sale price)  you want to place on your horse.  Where is your horse located?  Are you in area where there are lots of Hunter/Jumpers? Like most things the bigger the demand the more value the horse has. Have you talked to your trainer about a value? Have you looked online to see what similar horses are going for in your area? Do you know of or heard of any recent sales of horses similar to yours?  These are all good ways of formulating a value for your horse?  If you are still unsure about what value to put on your horse, it would be best to get the horse appraised.  The cost of an appraisal can vary but the range can be from $300-$1000 depending on the appraiser. (As a side note, appraisals are also great for insuring your horse)  There are some appraisers that are offering market valuations instead of a full appraisal--market valuations tend to be cheaper usually less than $300.  Please let me know if you have any additional questions or if you need a referral for an appraiser.
