Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses > shoes


21 9:35:46

QUESTION: how do you know if your horse is being shoed properly? How do you tell if a horse is in pain/discomfort with his shoes or hoof angle?  I don't want to find out too late that my shoer really didn't know what he was doing.

ANSWER: Hello Andy,

Before I hire a farrier I check out his references.  I talk with other people who use him for the same sort of equine sport that I do. If, after he works on my horse, my horse is lame or ouchy, or if his way of going is different and bad, I call a vet to check out the way the shoeing has been done.  You can find books on how the angle of the hoof should be and compare the pictures in the book to your horse.  If you are unsure in any way, contact your vet.

Best wishes,

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Unfortunately with references, they are only as good as the ferrier wants you to get a hold of.  Every ferrier in the area i have heard both good and bad. So when my vet visits, she will be able to give a yes or no if the angle is correct for my horse?

Hello Andy,

Yes, your Vet should be able to tell you if the angle is correct.  You can also find books or information online with photos of hoofs and correct and incorrect angles and determine for yourself if they are correct or not.  However all hoofs are not identical and all horses do not move the same way, so your vet will be a good source for you.

You are wise to worry, because there are many unqualified, self-taught farriers out doing work on horses and can really damage the feet.
