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swollen neck

21 9:46:53

we have just moved stables and my horse has a swollen neck and i don't no what might be causing it is at the bottom of the main and looks quite inflamed have you any idea what it might be

hi darren, my best guess would be its an abcess. different things can cause them such as another horse biting it, a fly biting it, a splinter, exc. get a warm bucket of water and some epsome salt. mix it up and soak the spot with a sponge twice a day until it lacerates. if it is an abcess it will get bigger then you would have to have a vet cut it open to let the puss drain out. once the abcess it opend you want to exercise him lightly to get the fluids circulating in his neck so it will drain out faster. just keep it clean and it will heal up. abcesses are fairly easy to take care of, it just looks bad because of all the puss. so dont worry he will be fine, just keep it clean when its cut open. i do not reccomend youcutting it open your self. you could hit a blood vain and cause major bleeding. have a vet cut it. good luck and i hope a fast recovery for your horse.
amanda groff