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Beginning my mare

21 9:32:03

I have a 5 year old Arabian/Paint cross who I think would be very good at dressage. I'm new at dressage too though, so what would be a good way for me to start her on my own? Is there any special equipment I will need?
Thank you!

Hello Courtney,

Neither Paints nor Arabian are used extensively in dressage, although they may be used in lower level eventing and in International Pony Club work. They usually don't have the right sort of movement for it. However, you can always improve any horse of any type with dressage training; it all depends on how far you would want to go.

The first thing you would need is a qualified dressage instructor.   You cannot learn dressage without a qualified dressage trainer, and herein lies the problem.  There are many, many instructors who may tell you that they know the subject, but many of those only know about riding patterns.  They do not have an understanding or the skill to teach you the basics of dressage. So my advice is first to contact a qualified dressage trainer. If she is close by, have her come and take a look-see. If there are no qualified instructors close to you, you may have to trailer for lessons. So first find that dressage rider/instructor and see if you can get lessons. She/he will tell you what sort of saddle to get, bridle, etc.

If you cannot locate one, let me know where you live and I will try to find one for you.  OK?  I would have to know your age, how long you have been riding, your level, etc.

Best wishes,