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2 1/2 training

21 9:40:26

Hi I have a 2 1/2 yr.old gelding that I have had since day one and he is so sweet and trustworthy of me. I can halter and saddle him but when I get on him he doesnt know what to do when i want him to go he will go when beining lead but stops when hes not. I realize he needs some ground work done but im just not sure how to start him any suggestions?  thanks

Dear Becky,
I have no way of knowing how much experience you have had from your letter. Personally, I don't like backing any horse less than three unless I've had his knees checked by a vet to make sure they are closed. I also wouldn't back a horse until he's learned whoa, walk, trot(jog) and canter (lope) on the lunge -responding to voice commands-and is comfortable and responsive to the lunge whip sound. I then work in a snaffle bridle and lunging surcingle teaching acceptance and relaxation, giving to the bit and bend.
You are quite right that he needs ground work LONG before you climb aboard or he's not going to have a clue what you expect of him.
If you do not have experience starting a youngster this is NOT the sort of thing you should be learning as you go- you could ruin your horse and one or both of you could get badly hurt (even if he's sweet). Even if you can't afford or unable to send him off to a pro for 30 days- you should (again- I am going on the assumption that you haven't started horses before)have a professional there with you to teach you the ropes.
I ope this helps.
S. Evans