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stubborn horse

21 10:01:01

I have a problem with my welsh d gelding when i go out hacking with his field mate/s . the problem may sound silly but i was just wondering why when one of the other horses poo my gelding stands in the poo and kicks it around and when i ask him to walk on no matter what i do he stands guard of the poo and will not move.does anyone no why this happens and what can i do?

many thanks s .small


This is a gelding/stallion thing, yours is just a little stronger than most.  It's a possesion/dominance issue.  You didn't say whether or not he's the dominant male in the group or whether or not you have mares in the mix too.  But his behavior is that of possesion.  This is from one of "my" herd and it's "mine" too.  Lots of times geldings will dump a load on top of another horse's pile to indicate dominance.  Your boy has more of the "stallion" characteristics than some geldings.  One of the reasons horses are gelded.  As far as getting him over this since it's instinctive in nature you will have to simply assert your dominance over his.  

I would ride him with spurs and/or a crop, whichever you feel more comfortable with.  Then, when he exhibits this behavior you will have to get after him and insist he move on.  Under saddle is not the time nor place for this kind of behavior and he has to learn that.  I would also try to steer him around it as the first move and be prepared for a bit of an arguement from him.  He's a pony and they can be stubborn but don't take "no" for an answer.  It's one thing on his own time in the field, another under saddle.  
Reward him with praise when he does what you want.  He will come around, it's just going to depend a lot upon him as to how long it will take to correct this behavior.  

Good luck, be persistant.