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21 10:01:19

I currently have a rescue horse on my hands that I need help finding the value for. Sunny is a 5 year old, liver chestnut, Hanoverian gelding that is branded (american hanoverian society brand) but we have no idea of his pedigree. We rescued him from a home that had incorrect fencing, he jumped it, and he slipped on ice and tore a small section of his back left hind ligament. Sunny got lucky and the vet approved him of any kind of work on the flat, but he would never jump again. He has very little training, and is very unfamilar to being under saddle, which gives me a hunch that he was started later in his life. He has the most beautiful personality and I would love to keep him, but if he is worth somthing we couldn't possibly, due to the amount of horses we already have.
Thank you SO much for your time

Hi Madelaine;

Unfortunately, he's not worth much right now.  You don't have his papers, he's untrained, he has had a significant injury that prohibits him from jumping ever(per the vet - who might be wrong) and there's no guarantee he'll stay sound in dressage training.

Your ideal buyer is someone with a lot of rehab/therapeutic training and riding background, who's willing to take a chance on him and at the very least put enough training on him that he can be a solid trail horse for someone else if he can't stay sound in dressage.  He might also suit someone who drives and wants a dressage driving horse.  And, he might make a nice companion horse with the possibility of being ridden lightly.

Since he's currently sound and has one vet's okay for flatwork, I would advertise him between $1200-$1500 - negotiable to the right home.  And then let him go for $500-$750 if you find the right people.  

However, if you keep him for a year or two, put some training on him and thus essentially 'prove' he's both trainable AND will stay sound, his temperment remains good enough for an amateur to ride and he shows potential for medium level dressage, then you can ask $5-$7k for him.

Best of luck and kudos for rescuing him!


Lana Reinhardt