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Horse is acting strange..

21 9:46:03

My 2 1/2 yr old female Paso has been acting strange over the last few days.  She has been spending alot of time in her stall, almost like she wants to be alone.  I have looked her over and don't see any injuries she just doesn't seem "herself" almost like she is depressed?  The only strange thing I have seen her doing is stretching her neck in an outward movement. Otherwise she has just been standing in her stall instead of hanging in the pasture with our other horse.  Any ideas would be appreciated, I am so worried about her.  I have considered calling the vet but she really doesn't have any symptoms I can pin point, she seems sad?  Thank you.


Change in disposition is a common clue in lots of things.  I would check her stool and make sure she is eating and passing waste.  I would take her temp to make sure she is not running a fever.  Give her a good grooming so you end up brushing or touching every part of her body and look for pain or sensitivity, watch her ears and tail swishing for signs of discomfort.  

She may just have a bug that is working it way out and it may clear up, but keep a close eye since small things can cause other problems, like she may stop drinking which can cause colic or stop eating and it will make her weak.

If my guys get under the weather I usually give them a little grain or rice bran so it keeps them eating good and keeps their system working.

Make sure she has a salt and mineral block so that will help her drink.

If it last over a few days I would call a vet so they can come out and give her the once over to be sure.  They suggest a blood test to be sure, but it sounds a sure sign that something is going on.

Hope this helps,
