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Horse Wound Care

21 9:52:26

I bought a 2 year old AQHA filly from an auction, her left rear leg has a wound on it. The lady that sold her said that she had wire tangeled around her leg, and that the only care she did on it was that she poured bleach on it. Well i have talked to my Vet which isn't a horse per-say Vet but he told me to wrap it with anti-biotic ointment and sterile gauze and change it twice a day for a week then put Picle Lime on it for another week. He also gave me tetnus & penicillin for her. My problem is that her leg isn't getting any better and if anything getting worse. Do you have any suggestions on this matter ?????  
I have mustangs but i haven't ever had to take them to the vet or have the vet come out.......i bought this filly afraid she would go to slaughter cause of the cut......i just want to get it healed for her so she can go out in the pasture with my other horses.......


Unfortunately what was done for this wound did nothing to help and a lot to compromise it.  At this point in time the only thing I would recommend is getting an equine vet out to see her.  Pouring bleach on a wound is one of the worst things you can do!  It kills the damaged tissue, making it impossible to stitch it if needed, and destroys the circulation to the area.  The other things you did might have worked if that had not been done but it's too late now.  I know you didn't want to hear that you needed a vet but I'm afraid that you do in this case.  Just as if you had received a serious wound and needed to go to the doctor/emergency room  this horse needs more than you can do.  She most likely needs oral antibiotics to start with for 10 days to get the infection under control.  The wound may need to be cleaned up to remove dead flesh and or proud flesh that is developing.  Without having seen it I cannot make any more recommendations than that.  Follow-up care and treatment will have to be discussed with the vet once she's been seen.  

I applaud your efforts to save this horse. Now you have to take further steps to save her.  If infection sets into the bone then everything you have done will be for nothing and you will lose her.  You say you've never had a vet come out for your mustangs.  There are some things that you just cannot do yourself.  I only hope that you've been keeping them current on shots and worming and dental work.  If not you are doing them a disservice.  I know, I know, in the wild they wouldn't get that but they also wouldn't live as long or full lives.  I do most of my own shots except rabies and West Nile which I cannot do here in NJ.  But the equine dentist comes out once a year and they get wormed every 2 mos.  My mustang has developed a "wave mouth" and has to be done every 6 mos. so that he can eat properly.  I love my horses to death, it sounds like you do yours as well.  Call a horse vet, please!  

Let me know how this comes out, OK?  I have treated lots of wounds myself but also recognize times when I have to have a vet come and give me a hand.  This is one of those times for you.
