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buckskin hourse (new)

21 10:00:38

I bought a new hourse at a auction this week end.Hourse seemed fine,he was rode in to sale.We loaded him up next day to bring home,when we got home,took hulter off to return to some one else and we havent been able to touch hourse.We think he might have been druged during sale,we were warned of this.I bought 2 hourses that night the othed one is great.Is there hope?can and will we be able to touch him soon. We have been able to stand next to him while he eats but not touch him.He seems thin and under weight.Not sure of his treatment befour us.he was branded also.No papers came with him.I love him and want to keep him but we want to be able to ride.we think he is about 4 years maybe.  Thanks Cindy

Dear Cindy:
Unless you are a professional and have a vet with you - an auction is a dangerous place to purchase a horse. I would begin with the autioneers themselves and inquire about their policies- ask if you can contact the seller and find out about the horse's history. If you believe the horse was misrepresented, as broke to ride - you may have legal recourse.
Regardless, if you want to keep him- I would begin with a thorough vet check and vaccinations/worming. Who knows what this animal might be carrying home to your other horses? I would then consult with a trainer and save yourself some time and injury by getting a professional's opinion about the horse's nature and extent of his training (if any). You may be dealing with a totally green horse and he may have been abused. This can be a long term recovery. Don't take unnecessary risks- a few hundred dollars invested in a trainer now can save you thousands in the long run.
S. Evans