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horse problkems

21 10:03:11

I have a 4year old arabian mare that we are keeping for a 30 day trial to make sure she is what i want and she is fine except for she won't let me put a bridle on her she seems to be scared of the bit when we did get it on her once and she reared up and fell back can u give me any suggestions because we even went and got a gentler bit and she is still scared. the lady we got her from claims she had the bit in her mouth last summer but i'm wondering if that is a lie. i am 16 years old and a beginning horse rider. she is a sweetheart so i don't want to give up on her and she can be ridden she just can't be steered good because a lead rope doesn't work too good.

Kacey -- You need to give this mare BACK to its owner..

Trust me - from what you've told me - you do NOT need this horse.... GIVE UP and find one you can enjoy.... She is not a sweetheart --- she is not a finished trained horse and you have admitted that you are a beginning rider....
To keep this horse would be dangerous for both of you.

STRONG ADVISE - you are in a dangerous situation for you and the horse and I'm afraid you don't realize it --- PLEASE give this mare back and find a horse that is trained, gentle and appropriate for you --- stay away from Arabians - as a rule - they are not suitable for beginners.
PS - have trained them to -- so I'm just not picking on them...  you don't need Arabs - TB horses etc..
