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Fetlock Swelling

21 9:36:40

QUESTION: Our TB mare injured herself in the paddock resulting in swelling in her o/s hind fetlock and a bit of a scrape above on the cannon.  We presumed that she caught her hoof in a fallen tree and reefed it out.

The swelling went down after about ten days and she was ridden and wasn't lame.  A couple of days later when ridden again she was stepping uneven at the trot and slightly dropping/bobbing her head.  On closer inspection we noticed what looks like a small varicose vein at the back and just above the feltock and quarter the around the sides also above the fetlock.  The swelling is quite hard and has no heat.  The mare has been having paddock rest for the last 3 weeks, doesn't look lame though the swelling hasn't gone down.

I hope the information I have given you is clear enough for you to adivse me how serious the injury is and how long it will take to heal?  

thanks for your consideration

ANSWER: Unfortunately, I cant tell from this information. things like this really require the ability to put your hands on it to palpate it and to be able to see the horse move. If the mare is really not lame and the swelling is hard, I dont get the impression that this is a major issue- but again- i cant tell without being able to see and palpate the site. If you are concerned, you should get a vet to look at it. It may be worthwhile to consider an ultrasound exam of the site. Also, during that exam, the horse should receive a lameness exam. That lameness you did see may not have been from this site of injury. I cant think of a vein that runs the way you describe on the hind leg- but again- if you are concerned you should get someone to evaluate it. If the swelling has not gone down, there may be soft tissue damage in the area you described. I'd probably suggest a furacin/dmso sweat to the area and keep it wrapped in a good standing leg bandage. Change this daily and give the horse 1 gram of bute orally for 5 days. See if there is a response to this maybe, then if not, move forward and get it fully evaluated. good luck. Feel free to contact me again if you have any other concerns about this.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks so much for your response, which was very helpful.  I am unsure what a furacin/dmso sweat is and was wondering if you could send me some info/instructions about it, or similar available in Australia?

sure thing. Furacin is a yellow antibiotic ointment that is VERY common and should be available at a tack or horse supply store. Id buy a jar of it and get your vet to give you about a 60cc syrine full of DMSO (dimethylsulfoxide) liquid (also VERY common). take about 1/2 of the jar of the ointment and put it in a separate jar and shoot the DMSO into it. Put gloves on and mix it really well. Then smear a thcik film of the resultant goo over your horse's entire lower leg from the fetlock to the hock. Once this is on, place a layer of plastic cling wrap from your kitchen supplies around the leg loosely. Then place a regular cotton fleece wrap over this. Leave it on overnight and wash it off completely the next day. id do this also for about 5 to 7 days. Wash the leg well in between applications and stop if the skin becomes irritated. good luck with this.